Would you like to join other hopeful, talented Boulderites in working together to bring about deep change in Boulder land use and transportation to create an even better community? Neighborhoods that know how to have a good time together? Neighborhoods that honor the founding values of our nation and those of our Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan?
Well, please attend our informal “Meet and Greet” to explore and help shape the relaunch of Goose Creek Community Land Trust. 4-6 pm at 815 North St. Boulder CO 80304.
You’ll meet the recent new members of the board and hear from a few other visionaries who have sought to reshape our City. Please email us to let us know if you can come.
Afterwards, we’ll attend the next neighborhood potluck celebrated at our neighbors the Ostara Coop, a Boulder Housing Coalition home for ~26 folks at the SE corner of 9th and North (2550 9th St). Please let us know what you would like to bring here.
More on this: Neighborhoods of friends of all ages, backgrounds, income levels, races and cooking skills? Neighborhoods that can adapt successfully to the challenges ahead around ecological, physical, and mental health?