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Goose Creek Neighborhoods Monthly Meeting 815 North St.

This is a chance to meet your neighbors and  contribute your ideas and offers of help to the Task Forces.

Draft Agenda March 14, 2016: 

1. 5: 5:30 Share potluck/blessing-welcome-introductions

5:30 to 7:

2. Administration Task Force (help needed)

         Share highlights of GCN work plan for 2016 (“Priorities/Strategies”)

         501 (c) 3 finalized!

         City grant progress ($1000)

         Board selection


         Bank Account status

3. Brad Smith: Marketing-Outreach Task Force: website action needed

4. Benita Duran: Telling Our Stories Project and BCH Redevelopment Task Force action needed

         Charles Cropley Naturopathic facility at BCH:

5. David and others: AHA! Learning Task Force

         Seminar series on affordability and Middle Income Housing Strategy action needed.

6. Michael McCrea Fun Task Force fun needed: Regular parties: summer and holiday (just before Thanksgiving?)

7. David Adamson:          “NBED/NSTED”-North St Pilot Task Force action needed

         Land Trust/Maintain the Middle revolving loan fund

         Jim Robb: North St-Alpine Alley Beautification/drainage/surface/underground utilities/live-work paradise

         EcoMobility Shed

                     Design (Chris Klinga) and City support?

                     Car Share insurance

         Ecopass     (Astrid Lindstrom)

         NSTED block party and EcoMobility Shed launch date TBD

4. Announcements re events etc. around the 'hoods.

         311 Mapleton project status (Alan Delamere) and action needed.