Lessons from the April 17, 2019 Housing Dialogue with Jim Leach, Cohousing developer: In the late 1960’s Boulder city planning efforts resisted cookie cutter production home builders and encouraged Jim’s innovations of narrower streets, common green areas and other amenities that brought neighbors together. Despite his insistence that quality design featuring walkable-nature-connected plans with mixed housing sizes would create successful communities, neighborhood opposition was fierce. His many enduringly popular developments through to the recently sold out Washington School Co-housing, demonstrate the broad affection for diverse communities. His “lessons learned” can help us navigate from today’s period of displacement of middle income residents to a housing future demanding a response to the twin crisis of climate-environment and emergency and income inequality.
Let’s follow Boulder’s many other innovations in land use: Open Space, Pearl St Mall, Bike Greenways, Holiday Neighborhood.-NOT halfheartedly! We didn’t plan to develop an open space oasis around HALF of the City!
December 20, 2018 Holiday Potluck: Housing Enthusiasts Party, Make Commitments
December 18, 2017 Holiday party: Great turn out! Great conversations.
We had a large turnout of activists, innovators, and stakeholders to hear David Barrett's rousing, well-informed call to "mix it up" with a diversity of housing types across the city! We are grateful to all for making it successful (link to summary video). See our other events for opportunities to connect to and learn with other enthusiasts about the shape and quality of our city.
June 21, 2017 Housing Dialogue event at Bohemian Biergarten. Great presentation by David Barrett on Compassionate Housing.
April Earthday 2016 Fossil Free Your Life Block Party on North St.
July, 2015 Transformational Development learning event with developers Chuck Perry of Perry Rosen and Aaron Miripol of Urban Land Conservancy in wake of successful effort to support City Council to decide to purchase BCH hospital redevelopment site.